“While nobody can speak definitively on behalf of my father, I firmly believe that based on his own consuming commitment to fairness and justice, that he would strongly encourage this board to release Mr. Sirhan because of Sirhan’s impressive record of rehabilitation.”

- Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

justice for rfk

Present Accurate Information about RFK's
assassination Expose Official Misconduct
Open a New Investigation Parole for Sirhan Sirhan

“This page is managed by an independent coalition of experts in the law, history, and journalism, devoted to a finding RFK’s true assassin, justice for Sirhan Sirhan and truth and Democracy in our Country, including The Truth and Reconciliation Committee

“While nobody can speak definitively on behalf of my father, I firmly believe that based on his own consuming commitment to fairness and justice, that he would strongly encourage this board to release Mr. Sirhan because of Sirhan’s impressive record of rehabilitation.”

- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr

“This page is managed by an independent coalition of experts in the law, history, and journalism, devoted to a finding RFK’s true assassin, justice for Sirhan Sirhan and truth and Democracy in our Country, including The Truth and Reconciliation Committee (www.americantruthnow.org).

Present Accurate Information about RFK's assassination Expose Official Misconduct | Open a New Investigation Parole for Sirhan Sirhan

justice for rfk

“My father was the chief law enforcement officer in this country. I think it would have disturbed him if somebody was put in jail for a crime they didn’t commit.”

- Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Present Accurate Information about RFK's assassination
Expose Official Misconduct | Open a New Investigation
Parole for Sirhan Sirhan

This page is managed by an independent coalition of experts in the law, history, and journalism, devoted to finding RFK’s true assassin, justice for Sirhan Sirhan and truth and Democracy in our Country, For more Truth and Reconciliation Committee visit AmericanTruthNow.org